Pink...Why do I like pink anyway? Well, pink is not my favorite color but I like pink. I dunno, maybe because pink is so girly or pink is just eye catching but according to Time it may be due to biological programming. Researchers have discovered that girls have a preference for pink - big surprise! If Action Man wore pink and Barbie wore blue then you might expect the color preferences of boys and girls might be the other way around. Chinese women showed the greatest preference for reds and pinks of any section of the group and women over all preferred reds more than men. “Evolution may have driven females to prefer reddish colours – reddish fruits, healthy, reddish faces,” says researcher, Anya Hurlbert. The research group plan further studies in younger age groups to try and strengthen their theory. However, until we find a ‘pink gene’ or a test is carried out where kids grow up in a twisted Truman Show-style world with pink transformers and blue polly-pockets, it’s hard to imagine there’s anything more to this than the ‘pink for a girl, blue for a boy’ tradition. Labels: Color, Girls, Pink |